【徵稿啟事】 2024年 第六屆新實踐暨臺日大學地方連結與社會實踐聯盟國際研討會

2024-06-20 作者 / 台日聯盟秘書處
410 閱讀數
摘要截止日期:2024年6月28日(五) Deadline for Abstract Submission: June 28, 2024(Fri.)


2024 International Conference of New Praxis and Taiwan-Japan Alliance of Regional Revitalization and Social Practice


Be Together and Together to be:大學與地方社會的永續共生與災後韌性治理   


Be Together and Together to be: The Sustainable Coexistence and Post-Disaster Resilient Governance between Universities and local communities


一、徵稿主題說明 Introduction


In recent years, various factors such as epidemics, climate change, geopolitical restructuring, and war have had a significant impact, giving rise to numerous emerging challenges and problems regarding the living environment and traditional culture in local communities. This represents a critical issue that both Taiwan and Japan should prioritize, focusing on building a resilient socio-economic system to respond to disasters and foster sustainable development in a natural and humanistic environment. This is especially crucial as local communities grapple with the dilemma of frequent disasters.


In this context, when Taiwanese and Japanese universities engage with local communities, they collaborate with residents to brainstorm issues and assist in the execution of their plans. In addition to effectively leveraging professional knowledge from universities and the advantages of technological innovation to aid local communities in preventing or responding to potential natural or social disasters in the future, from a perspective of human innovation and social practice, they should enhance the social participation of local heterogeneous communities, ameliorate the democratic mechanisms of local governance, and preserve as well as translate local knowledge and traditional culture. Furthermore, they need to propose innovative operational models of social and solidarity economics (SSE) and foster the rights of disadvantaged groups to participate in democracy. These are essential tasks for universities in assisting communities to build adaptive and recovery skills to face the changing natural and social environment. The completion of the above tasks dramatically depends on whether universities and local communities/organizations, governments, corporations, and NGOs can establish mutually confident cooperation platforms. They need to set aside their respective egos, listen to each other, and engage in more conversations among themselves. Additionally, they can discuss and explore the structural factors of primary and secondary disasters by using diverse perspectives to form a collaborative implementation network between them.

因此,為促成臺日兩地大學就此議題進行經驗交流與對話,2024年第六屆新實踐暨臺日大學地方連結與社會實踐聯盟國際研討會以「Be Together and Together to be」為主題,誠摯邀請臺日兩地投入大學社會實踐工作的學術先進,將自身在地方的實踐經驗提煉為知識,並從各自專長的學術領域出發,展開深入的跨領域對話,探索更多大學與地方異質組織/社群合作的可能性。

As a result, to exchange experiences and facilitate conversations between Taiwan and Japan regarding this issue, the theme of this year's international conference will be" Be Together and Together to Be." We sincerely invite scholars engaged in local social practice from Japan and Taiwan to refine their practical experience into knowledge. It is hoped that participants from Japan and Taiwan can have in-depth cross-disciplinary conversations based on their expertise and explore possible cooperation between universities and heterogeneous organizations/social groups.

二、徵稿主題 Paper Topics

  1. 防災韌性與韌性治理 Building Disaster Resilience and Resilient Governance:防災韌性、社區韌性、風險治理等相關主題。
  2. 社會經濟韌性構築 Building Socio-economic Resilience:共享經濟、社會團結經濟、另類經濟等相關主題。
  3. 永續發展與文化實踐Sustainable Development and Cultural Practices:永續發展指標(SDGs)與政策實踐、氣候變遷與生態環境治理、節能減碳的地方實踐、文化復振、文化轉譯、地方感/地方認同與社區營造等相關主題。
  4. 民主參與及社群治理機制 Democratic Participation and Community Governance:大學與地方社會協力治理、參與式治理、審議式民主、參與式設計、公民參與、人工智慧公共化、在地化等相關主題。
  5.  在地老化與地域活化 Local Aging and Regional Rehabilitation:青銀共居、長期照顧、高齡科技、都市再生、過渡社區、數位轉型、地方創生、韌性城市等相關主題。
  6. 社會實踐與地方創生經驗的跨國比較研究 A Cross-National Comparative Study of Social Practice and Regional Revitalization
  7. 大學社會實踐方法與方法論 Methods of University Social Practice and Methodology:大學社區伙伴關係研究、大學社會責任等相關主題。
  8. 教學實踐與創新 Teaching Practice and Innovation:社會實踐課程設計、大學課程作為社區參與機制、服務學習、微課程學習平台研究等相關主題。
  9. 其他與大學社會實踐、社區營造、地方創生有關之議題 Other Issues Related to University Social Practices, Community Development, and Regional Revitalization

三、會議資訊 Conference Information


Time: September 13, 2024

▍會議地點:臺中 文化部文化資產園區願景館

Venue: Taichung ‧ Cultural Heritage Park, Ministry of Culture


Advisor|Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Science and Technology Council


Host|Humanity Innovation and Social Practice Coordination Project Office National Science and Technology Council

▍協辦單位: 臺日大學地方連結與社會實踐聯盟

Co-Organizer|Taiwan-Japan Alliance of Local Revitalization and Social Practice

四、徵稿說明 Submission Instructions


Types of Submissions: Abstract for Full paper, Poster, and Self-Organized Panel

▍ 摘要截止日期:2024年6月28日(五)

Deadline for Abstract Submission: June 28, 2024(Fri.)


Notification of Acceptance: July 10, 2024 (Wed.)


Deadline for Full Paper Submission: August 23, 2024

1. 三種徵稿種類皆以「摘要」投稿,並請隨信附上摘要檔案(中、日、英文皆可),篇幅以400-500字左右為宜,最多500字為限,內容須包含研究現象、方法和發現,請各自下載不同種類報名表(論文摘要報名表|https://reurl.cc/lQD7QE、海報摘要報名表|https://reurl.cc/6v5Q7V、自組論壇報名表|https://reurl.cc/GjAKeZ),填妥寄至信箱hisp.newpraxis@gmail.com,另歡迎推薦評論人選。

All three types of submissions require an abstract to be submitted, accompanied by the abstract file (in Chinese, Japanese, or English). The recommended length is approximately 400-500 words, with a maximum limit of 500 words. The content should include research phenomena, methods, and findings. Please download the respective registration forms (Paper Abstract Registration Form|https://reurl.cc/lQD7QE, Poster Abstract Registration Form|https://reurl.cc/6v5Q7V, Self-Organized Forum Registration Form|https://reurl.cc/GjAKeZ), complete them, and send them to the email address hisp.newpraxis@gmail.com. Additionally, recommendations for reviewers are welcomed.


For papers and self-organized forums, the submission of the full text is required, which must include the following information: title, abstract, three keywords, full names of authors, affiliation, email addresses, and positions. The paper should be around 6,000-15,000 words in length while figures, tables, and references are not included.


You have to submit an English abstract for a poster session. All poster submissions should include: 1) title; 2) names of authors, affiliations, emails, and positions; 3) a brief abstract. Posters should include a research question (research topic), methods, results, and conclusions. Poster boards are provided. You do not need to submit the full paper. When receiving your registration, a confirmation email will be sent to you.


□ 海報文字:限用英文。

□ 海報尺寸:展架寬60cm×高160cm

□ 檔案規格:建議檔案最大 15MB,解析度至少 300dpi,檔案格式為PDF檔。

【Here is the standard for the poster】

□ Only English Version

□ The size for the poster is X banner stand (width 60cm×height 160cm )

□ The maximum file size is 15MB and the resolution is at least 300 dpi. The file format should be PDF.

五、注意事項 NOTES

1. 一律採線上投稿,請依照投稿類型下載各自的報名表並填妥完整,寄信至 hisp.newpraxis@gmail.com ,並準時繳交摘要以及全文。

Please download the registration form corresponding to your submission type, complete it, and send it to hisp.newpraxis@gmail.com. Please submit the abstract and full text on time.

2. 本次會議手冊內含發表者之論文摘要;投稿視同同意摘要的紙本印製和公開。全文則僅轉交評論人與該場主持人閱覽。

The conference brochure will include presenters’ abstracts. The submission of your abstract will be regarded as your agreement to print it out and share with all participants. However, the full paper will be only available for your discussant and the panel chair.

3. 主辦單位保有最終修改、變更、活動解釋及取消本活動之權利,若有相關異動將會公告於網站, 恕不另行通知。

The organizer reserves the right to make final modifications, changes, explanations, and cancellations to this event. Any relevant changes will be announced on the website, without further notice.





