Invitation for Registration of the 14th Symposium

2021-11-25 Author / Kochi University
2289 Number of views
Invitation for Registration of the 14th Symposium

This symposium covers basic research in the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities that contribute to the sustainable development of the Kuroshio Region (the Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan), East and Southeast Asia. In addition, research, education and conservation activities related to the integrated coastal management and regional revitalization.

In addition to registration for oral and poster presentations (with discussion in the poster session or display only), participants for auditing only are also welcomed.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the symposium.

First Announcement (on 2nd, Oct.)

The annual Kuroshio Science International Symposium, which started as the "Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines Joint KUROSHIO Workshop in Kochi" in November 2007 and was held at Kochi University. Since 2008, the symposium has been held annually under the present name with the cooperation of partner universities and government agencies in Taiwan and the Philippines, where presentations and information exchange on research and academic achievements have been conducted.

The 14th symposium was scheduled to be held at Kochi University in the fall of 2020, but it has been cancelled to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and will be held online in November 2021.

We are looking forward to seeing many of you there.


13th (Sat) & 14th (Sun), 2021


Zoom (Online)

Presentation style:

Oral presentation, Poster presentation, Theme session

Deadline of Registration for Presentation:

22nd (Fri), Oct., 2021

Deadline of Abstract Submission:

5th (Fri), Nov., 2021

Deadline of Registration (Non-presenting participants):

8th (Mon), Nov., 2021

Deadline of Poster Uploading:

8th (Mon), Nov., 2021


Kuroshio Science course (Ph.D.), Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Kochi University

Contact to:

14th Kuroshio Science International Symposium committee,

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