2021 Sakura Science program Advanced Research and Social System for Integrated Coastal Management in Japan.

2021-11-26 Author / Kochi University
948 Number of views

"Kuroshio Science Program (Ph.D)" (Formerly "Graduate School of Kuroshio Science"), Kochi University was established in 2004. The concepts of nurturing younger scientist were "interdisciplinary consideration" and "scientific cosmopolitan". Collaborating with Taiwanese and Filipino universities and organizations, we have been sharing and discussing achievement of sustainable society by natural science and social science researches and cross-border educational activities.

This year's program provides plenary leture, "Ion Microprobe Analysis of Biological Hard Tissue", reports of "Four-Dimensional Kuroshio Marine Science (4D-KMS) research project" for basic reserch of marine minerals and biological resource researches, reports of "Integrated Coastal Management project" for sustainable development of coastal area, recent research activities by our graduates, educational approach to regional revitalization and other related research and educational activities.


Registration for participation only is possible until Nov. 1st (Mon).

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