Call for Papers: Taiwan-Japan Alliance(TJA) and The Ocean Policy Research Institute of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation(OPRI)

2022-07-11 Author / TJA Office
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Taiwan-Japan Alliance(TJA) and The Ocean Policy Research Institute of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation(OPRI) jointly work on this call-for-papers.

Call-for-papers on

University Social Responsibility, Practice and Community-based Solutions for

Social Innovation, Local Revitalization, and Blue Impact



As maritime countries, Taiwan and Japan share similar geopolitical, economic development, and demographic structures and face similar structural problems with their respective societies. Under such circumstances, universities and research institutes play an important role in responding to local issues by combining teaching and research with practice-based work of "Social Innovation" to achieve regional revitalization through the platform to promote the exchange of experiences in social practices between universities and to promote academic and practical exchanges between universities in the two countries on research, program design, and operational experience.

To demonstrate feasible solutions to important contemporary social issues and development dilemmas, the Ocean Policy Research Institute of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation(OPRI) and Taiwan-Japan Alliance(TJA) jointly work on this call-for-papers for collecting community-based practices such as uneven development between urban and rural areas, blue economy, ocean education, conservation, local industry development, and community building for the exchange, refinement, and dissemination of relevant research results and practical experiences through conversations on the Alliance platform.

The accepted authors will be invited for workshop/symposium at the end of 2022, the submission will be published by prestigious publisher (e.g. Springer-Nature) in Open Access format.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

l Blue economy

l Circular economy

l Ocean education

l Impact finance

l Cultural preservation

l Community-based solutions

l Nature-based solutions

l Innovative and sustainable solutions

l Social impact creation

l Practice-based project

l Regional revitalization

l University social responsibility


Submission Procedure

Authors should submit summary in English to Taiwan-Japan Alliance –USR Center ( by 8th August 2022. The deadline is not extendable. The length of summary should be 600–1000 words, indicating the title, name of author(s), affiliation(s). The acceptance of the submission will be notified on 23thAugust 2022. The secretariat will provide the instruction and format template for full paper submission.


The submission should adhere to the following structure:

l Paper title

l Author info (including co-authors): name, affiliation, address, and e-mail

l Summary (600-1000 words)

l 4-8 Keywords or keyword phrases (4-8)

l Introduction/background

l Evaluation methodology/assessment

l Conclusion and policy recommendations

l References

l 100-word short-bio for each author



 Inquiries should be directed to Taiwan-Japan Alliance –USR Center Ms Chang (


Editorial Committee (Alphabetical order)

Li-Chun Chen, Professor, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Li-Ya Chang, Project Assistant Professor, National Chi Nan University, Taiwan

Sotaro Fujio, Assistant Professor, Shinshu University, Japan

Michael C. Huang, Senior Research Fellow, Ocean Policy Research Institute, Japan

Hongshi Jin, Professor, Ryukoku University, Japan

Jih-Gau Juang, Distinguished Professor and Executive Vice President, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan

Hsiao-chien Lee, Associate Professor, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

Hui-Chen Lin, Distinguished Professor and Dean of Development, Tunghai University, Taiwan

Kenji Okamura, Associate Professor, Kochi University, Japan

Masayuki Suzuki, Associate Professor, Chiba University, Japan

Chi-Chung Wang, Assistant Professor, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan

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